

Egmont Le Compte starts an activity as agent for several toy manufacturers under the name "Egmont Toys”.


Egmont Toys moves from the garage where everything got started to a warehouse of 1200 m² and hires its first employee.


The next big step is taken with the participation in several international trade fairs: "the Toy Fair” in Nuremberg and "Maison & Objet” in Paris.


The start of the production of our own collection. Our first product is a series of washing gloves/hand puppets in the form of animals under the name "Swash”. With the first product we have an instant success (more than 1 million pcs sold till now).

Since 1997

We have always continued to develop new items, in collaboration with an external designer and since 2003 with our in-house designer Gaëtane Lannoy. Whilst designing, Gaëtane prefers to use pen, paint and paper, rather than the widely spread computer drawings.

Since 1999

Egmont Toys not only sells in Belgium, but over the whole world through a steadily growing network of distributors in Germany, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Japan, Greece, Switzerland, Australia, Russia, Poland.


The creation of our "doudou express” service, a service for desperate parents and sad babies for lost doudous. This is a service on the internet, mainly for doudous of older collections and therefore difficult to find (we always keep some pieces in stock of items that are no longer in production).


The development of a website with a better presentation and the possibility for our customers to order online.


The creation of the Egmont Toys doudou. The innovating aspect of this doudou is the small animal that peeps through the blanket and that can be played with separately or together with the blanket. The Egmont Toys doudou is part of the collection of the shops of MOMA in New York and Tokio.


Egmont Toys wins the Brussels Export Award!


Egmont Toys continues to expand rapidly and moves to a bigger warehouse of 3000 m² in Wauthier-Braine.


Egmont Toys buys the Dutch wholesaler Nadia Toys, specialized in wooden toys and enlarges in this way its collections considerably.


Our new website goes online www.egmonttoys.com! 


Participation at the Top Drawer fair in London. We now also export to Asia, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Korea


New UK agent! We develop the Book sector and participate for the first time at the Book fair of Bologna!


Removal of offices and warehouse to Saintes/Tubize. Our new warehouse is 3300 m² and we now have the capacity to store over 2.000 pallets


Takeover of Heico Handelsagentur, in Germany, a traditional manufacturer (since 1874) of gift items and night lights

A first participation at the Toy Fair in New York


Distribution agreement with Hotaling Imports for the USA.

Egmont Toys becomes more and more active as private label manufacturer for toys and gifts. With our 25 years of experience in manufacturing and our in-house design department we have the tools to offer solutions for lots of projects.


Our new website goes online www.egmonttoys.com!


Realisation of the mascot for Pairi Daiza (crowned best animal park in Europe)


In full sanitary crisis, we are launching a new collection "Les Petits...", to tell stories about our toys. The collection is built around the world of 5 little children: Jack, the little explorer, Emma, the little shopkeeper, Tom, the little dreamer, Amandine, the small cook and Célestine the little sweetheart. Each one has his/her universe, toys, character, colours and materials. Later on, the collection is expanded with new children. The focus of the collection is on European et ecological articles.

It is already a great success.


Due to the strict COVID measures, all fairs are cancelled. As a result, we are more committed to social media. Our Instagram page is evolving quickly and is also followed by a Pinterest and Tiktok page.


Our children are growing and we welcome 3 new faces: Adèle, Georges and Léon. There are now 8 of them!